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白虎 porn 欧盟对危机机械的CE认证条目分解 - 指挥学生

白虎 porn 欧盟对危机机械的CE认证条目分解

发布日期:2024-08-27 01:57    点击次数:145

白虎 porn 欧盟对危机机械的CE认证条目分解

欧盟关于一些如手工高下料的注塑机、木匠机械白虎 porn,举升平台等对操作主谈主员危机性较高的机械开导,定于为危机机械,危机机械在肯求CE认证时,需按照机械开导MD教唆中AnnexIX的EC型式考试步地进行CE认证,经由欧盟公告机构认证后方不错进入欧盟阛阓销售和使用。



1.Circular saws (single- or multi-blade) for working with wood and material with similar physical characteristics or forworking with meat and material with similar physical characteristics用于加工木料及访佛物理特点材料或加工肉类及访佛物理特点材料的圆锯(单刀片或多刀片)

2.Hand-fed surface planing machinery for woodworking手工进料木匠平面刨床

3.Thicknessers for one-side dressing having a built-in mechanical feed device, with manual loading and/or unloading forwoodworking


4.Band-saws with manual loading and/or unloading for working with wood and material with similar physicalcharacteristics or for working with meat and material with similar physical characteristics手工装载和(或)卸载加工木料及访佛物理特点材料或加工肉类及访佛物理特点材料的带锯

5.Combined machinery of the types referred to in points 1 to 4 and in point 7 for working with wood and material withsimilar physical characteristics


6.Hand-fed tenoning machinery with several tool holders for woodworking手工进料多刀夹木匠制榫机。

7.Hand-fed vertical spindle moulding machinery for working with wood and material with similar physical characteristics用于加工木料及访佛物理特点材料的手工进料立轴造型机

8.Portable chainsaws for woodworking


9.Presses, including press-brakes, for the cold working of metals, with manual loading and/or unloading, whose movableworking parts may have a travel exceeding 6 mm and a speed exceeding 30 mm/s手工装载和(或)卸载的金属冷加工用压床(包括弯板机),其可动工件的行程可达6mm以上,迁徙速率最初30mm/s。

10.Injection or compression plastics-moulding machinery with manual loading or unloading手工装料或卸料的注塑或压塑塑模机

11.injection or compression rubber-moulding machinery with manual loading or unloading手工装料或卸料的注塑或压塑橡胶制模机

12.Machinery for underground working of the following types: locomotives and brake-vans; hydraulic-powered roosupports

用于地下使命以下几类机械: 机车及司闸车,液力传动的顶架

13.Manually loaded trucks for the collection of household refuse incorporating a compression mechanism装有压实机构的、用东谈主工装载样式荟萃家庭垃圾的卡车

4.Removable mechanical transmission devices including their quards包括留心安装在内的可拆卸机械传动安装

15.Guards for removable mechanical transmission devices


16.Vehicle servicing lifts



17.Devices for the ifting of persons or of persons and goods involving a hazard of falling from a vertical height of morethan three metres


18.Portable cartridge-operated fixing and other impact machinery便携式弹药鼓奏乐钉器具过甚他冲击机械

19.Protective devices designed to detect the presence of persons感测东谈主员存在的保护安装

20.Power-operated interlocking movable guards designed to be used as safeguards in machinery referred to in points 9,10 and 11


21.Logic units to ensure safety functions


22.Roll-over protective structures (ROPs)


23.Falling-object protective structures (FOPs)物体跌落留心置(FOPS)白虎 porn

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